Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Unlucky Day

When I was in senior high school, I went to Umbul Sidomukti with my friends. It is located on the slopes of Mount Ungaran, in the right edge of the cliff and Ungup-Ungup Valley.. We gather in front of SMAN 1 Ambarawa’s mosque. We went there by motorcycle. We departed at 11.30 a.m. after we finished our lesson at that day. We still wore our uniform.

It needed about 30 minutes to get there. The road to get there is very bad. It has many holes. It is uphill road. It was the bad obstacle at that time. It was surrounded by many fields. In the middle of our journey, we met a recreation bus. The road is very tight. We stopped in the edge of the road. I almost fell down to the small drain because my friend couldn’t kept his balance in the motorcycle. Luckily, he could keep his balance again. Then we continued our journey to Umbul Sidomukti.

We arrived in Umbul Sidomukti at 12.00 a.m. We swam, tried the adventure games, walked around that place, took pictures, and etc. I brought a camera. I wanted swimming. I set my bag near the swimming pool. Suddenly, a little boy came to me. He kicked my camera and went away. I screamed because my camera fell down to the swimming pool. Then I took it quickly. The camera couldn’t be used. I was confused. My friends told me that it couldn’t be used again. I was sad.

My friends invited me to try the flying fox. It’s about 70 meters high and 110 meters long. I was afraid. But when I tried it, it was fun. I liked it. Although after coming in the finish line, I had an accident. My right leg was sprained because I did wrong landing. I couldn’t walk well. My friends helped me to walk by supporting my arms.

When we returned to our home, we passed that way well. My friend brought me to my house safely. Then I told my parents the accident in Umbul Sidomukti. They just advised me to be more careful

My Dreams Come True

Over my lifetime I would like to reach many good things. They are not only good for me, but also for the others. I like making everybody happy with what I do. I’ll become an useful person for the others. For that reasons, I decide to be a good English teacher, to build my own school, charitable institution, and nursing home. It’s very useful, isn’t it?

First of all, I want to be a good English teacher. It’s why I choose English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University. I would need four years of University to attain my education degree. I should graduate from English Education Study Program with good GPA to join the best school as an English teacher. I prefer English teacher of junior high school than the others. Because I think it’s fun to teach teenagers at junior high school.

After becoming a n English teacher of junior high school, I built my own house. My family’s house isn’t too big and small. I want to have the house which I build from my earning. I want to bring happiness for my family. We can design our own house as beautiful as we can. I will build my house in the good environment. It’s near the river, field, mountain, and etc. it’s also far from the highway, factory, and etc. It should be in the village. What a nice house?

Then I will build my own school. There are early childhood education, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, even a university. I need to save my earning to realize it. I will invite my friends to join this project. It can facilitate the burdens. The location isn’t too far from my house. It will make good learning situation for the students. I think it will be favorite school.

And the last, I will build charitable institution and nursing home. I often see many children and elders are muffed by their family. It’s sad things. I need same things which I do to build the school. My friends will help me to realize that dreams. I wish it will be done.

I believe I can achieve it. I will pray and pray and do the best as I can. So, my dreams come true soon.

My Sunday Activities

On Sunday, I usually have interesting activities than the other days. I can do everything in this day, because I don’t have to go to the campus. It’s why I like Sunday, especially when I come back to my hometown, Ambarawa. As you have known, I live in a boarding house in Jogja now. I have many delightful activities in Sunday.

On Sunday morning, I usually wake up at 6.00 a.m. My younger sister, Nila is woken up by myself. We are sleeping together in a bedroom. We tidy up our bedroom before we tidy up the house. If we open the window, we can see many birds above the trees behind our house. The leaves are rustling and the birds is whistling. It’s nice sound, isn’t it? Then we go outside of our bedroom to tidy up our house with my parents. We cooperate each other. At 7.30 a.m. my mother prepare the breakfast for us. At that time, I take a bath while my sisters (Nila and Andra) are playing with our dog, Kindy. After taking a bath, I help my mother to cook the breakfast. When my sisters are taking a bath, Kindy must go back to her stable. When all of us finish to tidy up our house and our body, we have a breakfast together.

At 8.55 a.m. we go to the church. The church isn’t too far from our house. It’s about 2 kilometers from our house. The matins starts at 9.00 a.m. We can praise and worship our God together with other congregations. We usually have some guests from other church or regions. The matins finishes at 11.00 a.m. Especially for the first

Sunday in every month, we finish at 11.30 a.m. because we have holy communion. My family come back to our house without me. Because I usually gather with Joel Generation Community, the community of my church’s youth. We can do some activities for 30 minutes and then we do our duties. The duties are different from a person with other person. that duties are connected with church services. It’s depend on our division. I hold the tambourine division, so I learn about tambourine. Sometimes, we must teach our juniors about tambourine or we can learn new tambourine dance movements. I finish it at 1.00 p.m. Then I go home.

When I arrived at home, we are ready to eat our lunch. My mother cook it with love. After having a lunch, I take a rest for a moment. Then I must prepare everything to be brought to Jogja. It’s the saddest time which I have. I must leave my home to reach my dreams in Jogja. But it’ s never mind. I must depart to Jogja at 2.00 p.m. I usually go back to Jogja by bus. Sometimes I go with my cousin by motorcycle or car. About 4.00 p.m. I arrive in Jogja and take a rest awhile. At 5.00 p.m. I take a bath. Then I prepare the assignments if I have assignments. If I don’t have any assignment, I can online or do other activities. If I get sleepy, I sleep in my boarding house room.

Yeah, I think that’s all about my Sunday activities.